Monday, October 12, 2015

Mayer Rounding Rap

Maria Mayer's Rounding Rap


What are the students doing?The students created a rap while they were learning rounding. After the unit, when most of the students felt like "masters" of rounding, we got to celebrate by working with Mrs. Harris to video a rap video, using the Airwaves room and the green screen.

What do you hope that students learn from this activity?
It was really a celebration of learning, however, it allowed the kids to review rounding procedures while coming up with lyrics, work cooperatively to "stage" it, strengthen digital skills, and our music was also created by one of our students!

How does this activity tie to your standards?
The students had to understand rounding to write the rap. As they were writing it, a we discussed rhyme, rhythm, and poetic elements (like stanza and couplet). Also, we used a variety of tech tools that they can use in the future for other presentations. Also, when we edit and share the message, it can be used by others as a learning tool and a model of good digital citizenship. 

How does this activity connect to the 4 C's of Technology?

  • Communication: The entire idea was established for them to communicate how they learned a skill and teach others. Plus, they had to communicate with each other as they wrote, mixed, or discussed staging options. 
  • Collaboration: The kids worked in pairs and small groups to discuss dance moves, rhyme patterns, and how to use devices to create a beat. 
  • Creativity: We saw a lame video and they said they could do it better. I challenged them to get creative and they rose to that challenge! 
  • Critical Thinking: They had to problem solve along the way, thinking multiple steps throughout. Then, I invited kids in to see the filming process. Next, I will walk kids through the editing process. We had to solve problems, work together, and most importantly, understand rounding to rap about it!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Welcome Aboard

Welcome to the Beacon Spotlight! In this space, I will share and highlight classrooms where technology is being used in a lesson. The teacher will recieve a google form to complete giving details on the format of the lesson as well as attatch pictures to share. The goal is for teachers to be celebrated, and ideas to be shared amongst the teachers at Bookman Road.